Wednesday 2 November 2011

Don't want to waste any time?

Sign up here:

I strongly advise you to sign up at the Silver member level($10/mo) or higher and buy 10 VIP Bids ($10 investment). There is also a Gold and Diamond membership available.  It is explained in more detail below but here is in a nut shell why I think you should consider to go for a paid membership right away!

You'll have all the benefits a free member has but in addition you get the following:

  1. You get a higher bonus when you sign up. Currently paid members will get a higher bonus to start with. The bonus is basically free starting capital to work with.
  2. You potentially get a (monthly) commission for every paid member in your 2 x unlimited compressed forced level matrix, whether you sponsored them or not. I'll explain more about this matrix later. This is very powerful  as your downline starts growing.
  3. You get a commission on purchases from your direct referrals and your 2nd level referrals.

NOTE: if you sign up as a Free member and you upgrade later, you DO NOT get the extra Bonus Points that you would get if you signed up as a Silver (or higher) member right away! Another reason to go for silver membership right away.

Please read this important note

There is a lot of information on this webpage because I tried to be complete. I realize this is very confusing if you are new to ZeekRewards but don't let that scare you. This is more of a reference actually. I strongly recommend you study the ZeekRewards website first and watch the movie. Then your next step should be to listen in on a conference call, or a recording thereof. You'll find those in the backoffice of your ZeekRewards webpage.

What you need to know now is that by simply signing up either as a free or Silver level member you can start earning right away. Within 24 hours you'll be paid your first profit.

What is Zeekler / ZeekRewards?

ZeekRewards is's private, invitation-only, affiliate advertising division where our Premium Members earn rebates on every dollar they spend! is a penny auction website. A penny auction website is typically an auction website where you can bid on items and buy them for a small percentage of their wholesale price.
This might sound unbelievable but this in fact what it is all about. I'm explaining here how they can sell a brand new state of the art smart phone at an auction for $34.95 and still make a lot of money!

Note: do not confuse this with eBay or similar auction websites because the costing structure is totally different.

While there are several ways you can financially benefit from bidding on we're not going to get into that just yet. Instead we'll be focusing in on their affiliate program called ZeekRewards because it allows you to earn an income real fast and without all kinds of difficult requirements
. This program basically opens up the door for anyone with an internet connection to make true online income.

Zeekler / ZeekRewards is owned by Venture Group LLC, a a subsidiary of Lighthouse America, a US (NC) company. The company was established on June 24, 1997 and adopted the d/b/a Lighthouse America later that year. The president and owner Paul Burks has run it for all those years and will continue to do so in the future.

This is their address:

    Rex Venture Group, LLC
    7469 W. Lake Mead Blvd. Ste 200
    Las Vegas, NV 89128 USA

Why Zeekler / ZeekRewards pays their affiliates

Basically this is a product driven company with revenue sharing. The philosophy is simple; instead of spending truck loads of money on advertising / Google rankings and what not, they reward their affiliates, that is us,  for advertising and spreading the word. All you are required to do to qualify for your share in the daily revenue is placing 1 ad a day and give bids away to customers. I'll explain that in more detail later.  They even give you the ads and a list of places to post if you don't want to make up your own. It is easy and once you get the routine it only takes about a minute per day to do this.

Obviously they want to expand and reach as many internet users as possible. Therefor they want you to share their great opportunity with others. So in addition to the revenue sharing you get for advertising and giving your bids away to customers they also reward you for sponsoring others. The sponsoring is optional but if you do it could give your income quite a boost.

The various income streams

When you sign up for ZeekRewards you will immediately get three websites:

  1. Your own Retail Store Website which looks exactly like mine here:
  2. Your own Penny Auction website which looks exactly like mine here:
  3. Your ZeekRewards Business Website which looks like mine here:

The Penny Auction Website ( has its own affiliate program called Zeekler Affiliate Program (ZAP). You may forget about that one right away but I'm mentioning it for reference.
I am focussing on the ZeekRewards affiliate program rather than ZAP because I think it is much more rewarding.

Lets assume you sign up for a paid membership at Silver level. ZeekRewards calls this a Premium Member, also called Upgraded Member or Paid Member. You also buy a minimum of 10 VIP Bids ($10 one-time-only investment) which now qualifies you as a Preferred Customer. This is where you want to be.

There are seven income streams for preferred customers:

  1. You get all the profit on the items sold in your Retail Store Website
  2. You get a commission of 20% on your personally referred customers bid pack purchases through ZAP (Zeekler Affiliate Program).
  3. Daily Revenue received on your Bonus Points. Bonus Points move to the Compounder (real money) after they have earned you interest for 60 days. 1 Bonus Point = $1.
  4. Daily Revenue received on the VIP Bids in the Compounder in your ZeekRewards member area (ZeekRewards calls revenue  'Awards') provided you are posting our daily free ad and giver your earned bids away to customers. I'll explain this in more detail later. If you are a Preferred Customer than you have bought a minimum of 10 VIP Bids. You'll see the value of these bids reflected as $10 in the Compounder. This is money that you earn daily awards on (interest) provided you post 1 free ad each day and give your earned bids away. Please note that the money in the Compounder is in fact compounding. Awards immediately start to earn more awards and so on. You will be paid a Daily Award for 90 days on every VIP Bid purchase. If you let it fully compound (100% goes back into the Compounder) it won't expire at all. In other words, it keeps on earning you money for as long as you let it sit in the Compounder!
  5. Retail Subscription Profits: Earn a 20% on personally sponsored affiliate’s subscriptions. The 20% is based on the monthly subscription price regardless of rank qualification or placement in the matrix structure.
  6. Potential commissions on every not personally referred paid member in your downline in a 2x unlimited depth matrix. This is a forced matrix of 2 wide, unlimited levels deep. There is a minor qualification requirement here and there are some matching bonuses but I'll explain that in more detail later as well.
  7. Commission on the Bidpacks purchased at ZeekRewards by your direct referrals and your 2nd level referrals. Depending on your Rank the percentage that you earn varies. Rank is explained later.

Free members only get income from points 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. You have to be an upgraded member to benefit from the income streams 6 and 7.
Free members that refer 5 Silver level members (which pay $10/month membership) earn 5x $2 = $10 a month (income stream 5). That means you can upgrade to Silver level yourself and it won't cost you anything out of pocket.

In addition, you have to sponsor 2 Preferred Customers (paid members that also bought a minimum of 10 VIP Bids) to get income from stream 6. Don't worry about that though, by the time your downline becomes rewarding enough you'll most likely already met this requirement.

In my opinion the above income model is not always clearly explained on the ZeekRewards website but now that you've read this it will be a lot easier to understand what they are explaining on their website.

Bonus Points, Compounder and Awards

To get started with ZeekRewards you *could* purchase VIP Bids (also called Bidpacks on the ZR website). As explained above, I recommend you but at least 10 VIP Bids ($10 investment) so you can start earning daily awards (reveue) on this. It also qualifies you as a Preferred Customer, opening more income streams to you.
But whether you purchase VIP Bids or not, you do get Bonus Points when you sign up and they have the pretty much the same effect/value for premium members. 1 Bonus Point = $1 Value.

Here's how many Bonus Points you get for the level you sign up for;

  Member level    Bonus Points received when you sign up 
Free  100
 Silver  110
 Gold  150
 Diamond  200

You can use VIP Bids to make bids on items at, which is explained in this article. Bonus Points can not be used for bidding but they do earn you as much money as an equal valued Bidpack would. Do note that earnings on Bonus Points can not be compounded daily whereas earnings on VIP Bids can and you'll only earn Awards for 60 days whereas VIP Bids will earn you Awards for 90 days.

When you PURCHASE VIP Bids in your ZeekRewards webpage as a paid member two things happen, provided you give away your just bought Bids to customers:

1) Whatever amount you spend on purchasing bids, you get an equal amount to that put into the Compounder for you where it will start to earn up to 7% a day (typically around 1-2% on weekdays and 0.5-1% on weekend days). Historic average ROI is about 1.2% a day.

You can either withdraw the daily revenue (Awards), let it compound or a bit of both. Your choice and you control this by setting the automatic compounding level (0-100%).

Your funds will earn you Daily Awards for 90 days. Once the 90 days are over your original amount expires. It literally disappears from your balance so you won't earn any more interest on it. (By the way, ZeekRewards calls the interest Daily Awards. This is basically a revenue share; your piece of the pie). When the original amount expires your left with what you saved up from your compounded earnings thus far.

Example 1: buy bids for $100 and set automatic compounding to 100%
You get $100 put into the Compounder for you where it will earn you daily revenue, which is added daily to the Compounder. After 90 days, averaging 1.2% a day, your balance now shows $292.58  but here is where the original amount expires so you are left with $192.58

Example 2: buy bids for $100 and set automatic compounding to 90%
You get $100 put into the Compounder for you where it will earn you daily revenue, which is added daily to the Compounder. With an 1.2% award (assumption) the first day your balance in the Compounder will grow by 0.9 * 1.012 * $100 = $1.08  After 90 days, averaging 1.2% a day, your balance now shows $262.95 but the original funds will now drop off your balance so you are left with $162.95  You will have withdrawn $18.11.

Notice that the above totals $181.07, more then $10 less than example. That is what you missed out on by not letting all your earnings compound.

2) Your Zeekler Bid account will be funded with the number of VIP Bids you purchased. This is the number of bids you can use at to bid on items. With every bid you place '1'  is deducted from your total number of bids. Note that bidding at is fun but if you use your VIP Bids for bidding do you won't earn Daily Awards on them! I realize that sounds a bit crazy but that is how it works. IF you DO give your VIP Bids away to customers you do get the Daily Awards.

Giving VIP Bids away is NOT giving your money away! Giving away VIP Bids is mandatory to earn Daily Awards (your share of the company profit / revenue).
What you have in the compounder is unaffected by giving your VIP Bids away. In fact, the money in the Compounder will grow if you give your VIP Bids away. That is how it works and it is explained below under 'You need customers'.

To recap: the above covers 'VIP Bids'. When we sign up we get free Bonus Points. The difference between the two is that the Bonus Points do not go into the Compounder until they have earned you Daily Awards for 60 days. You also don't get any bids for them to use at the Penny Auction Website ( Bonus Points can not be compounded.

Important note to FREE members. You DO get 100 Bonus Points ($100 value) but once they have earned you daily awards for 60 days they will drop off and the created profit will simply remain inactive in your account until you upgrade to a paid membership. In other words, you will need to upgrade to a paid level to transform your accrued Bonus Points into real money that goes in the Compounder. 1 Bonus Point = $1.

Also note that free members can't use the Compounder at all, not even if you purchase VIP Bids.

This is great if you want to test the waters first! You can build up starting capital, you can start building your downline and you can even start earning on directly sponsored paid affiliates and customers. If you like the business and if it is working for you, you get to keep your earnings and go from there as a paid member.

The part above is explained on the ZeekReward webpage here.

You need customers!

Your customer are the personally sponsored people for Zeekler. You need customers to give your earned VIP Bids to. That sounds a bit crazy, I know. But let me explain.

As explained above, if you earn or buy VIP Bids as a ZeekRewards affiliate you have two options:

1) You use them for bidding on Zeekler. This is the value you bought/earned and YOU get to bid on items.

2) Give the VIP Bids to a customer so that customer gets the value of the VIP Bids, and not you. By doing so the company will have at least a customer extra that might purchase more bids later on. More exposure, more customers, more business, that is what this is all about. The company wants you to bring in customers because selling Bids is their core business! In return, the company rewards you for bringing in customers and getting them to bid (by giving your VIP Bids to that customer). They do this by giving you an equal amount to your Bid-give-away in your balance. If you earn 15 VIP Bids (your Daily Award) on a day and you give these away to a customer, your balance grows with $15 (or you can withdraw it, or a bit of both.. your choice).

Note that the amount of free bids you can give to a customer is limited. Silver members can give their customers max. 50 Bids each, Gold 250 Bids each and Diamond members 500 Bids each. If you are a Silver level member and gave your customers 50 Bids each, and then upgrade to Gold level you can give them another 200 Bids.

Getting customers

So you need customers in order to make money with ZeekRewards But how do you get them?
That is not really hard to do. If you offer others up to 500 free bids to use in a penny auction, they are actually getting up to 500 free chances to win a quality item for a very low price. An Apple iPhone for $6.. who wouldn't like that? This is a REAL freebie! There are no obligations for your customers, no strings attached, no small print.. the given bids are really free.

But even if you don't want to get customers yourself you can still buy them from the company. A customer currently costs $2.50 so for a $2.50 investment you can give them up to $500 in VIP Bids and thus grow your account with $500! In other words, you can't go wrong. Getting customers is not a show stopper, it is nearly a formality.

The Retail Profit Pool

ZeekRewards calls your 'account' the Retail Profit Pool. It is the same thing though; what you see in your Retail Profit Pool Report in your back office is basically your account with ZeekRewards. The money in there is working for you only.

The forced matrix

Everybody, free and paid members, are placed in a forced 2x unlimited depth matrix. That means everybody only has 2 positions directly under him or her. On your second level are 4 spots, your 3rd level has 8 spots .. and so on. You can look unlimited levels down provided you qualify for that.

The number of levels that you earn commission on in your matrix depends on your sponsoring results. Depending on these results you can earn matching bonuses in the form of extra paying downline levels.
How much you earn on your downline (no matter how deep it goes for you) depends on your Rank.

This might seem a bit complicated but it's really easy and the requirements are not so tough.

Let me break it down for you.

First of all, if you're a free member this does not apply to you. You are part of the matrix alright, you have your own fixed spot like everybody else, and you can build your downline as well. You can not however make any money from it until you upgrade to a paid level and meet the minimum requirements.

Paid members only qualify if they have personally sponsored at least two Preferred Customers (Silver level members or higher that also bought 10 VIP Bids). Depending on your Rank and Volume (explained below) you can qualify for several Matching Bonuses (=extra downline levels you earn on).

Regardless of the matrix; Personal sponsored Affiliates (ZeekRewards referrals) and Customers (Zeekler referrals) DO pay you 20% instant commissions. This goes for both free and paid members so that is another great incentive to build your business.

Here are the levels that you can earn on depending on how many people you personally sponsor:

You personally sponsor Downline levels you earn on Number of members in a full matrix
2 Preferred Customers 5 62
3 Preferred Customers 10 (ZR calls this Matching Bonus 1) 2,046
4 Preferred Customers 15 (ZR calls this Matching Bonus 2) 65,534
5 Preferred Customers 20 (ZR calls this Matching Bonus 3) 2,097,150
6 Manager rank or higher Customers unlimited (ZR calls this Generation Bonus) unlimited

Obviously this is relevant for income stream 6 mentioned above.

IMPORTANT: the commissions are calculated on a COMPRESSED matrix. In other words, free affiliates are skipped and not counted when 5 levels are calculated for commission payments. Good news for those that qualify!
This is explained here on the ZeekRewards website.

Qualifications, Rank & Personal Volume

ZeekRewards created sort of points system to determine what your rank is and thus how much you earn from your downline. It works fairly simple.

Personal Volume (PV)
This is the number of points you earn on a monthly basis. For each $ your personally sponsored members spend on their membership fees you get 1 point. This includes your own subscription. Here is the break down in a table.

Subscription Monthly Cost PV earned
Silver $10 10
Gold $50 50
Diamond $99 100

So if you sponsored 3 Silver level members your downline makes you 30 PV. Add to that the 10PV you get for being a Silver level member yourself and you get a total of 40PV.

Depending on your PV you qualify for a certain rank. It is the rank that determines how much you earn on your downline for the number of downline levels that you qualify for.

Here's a break down:

Rank PV required Comm. earned on
Silver members
Comm. earned on
Gold members
Comm. earned on
Diamond members
Purchase 1st lvl
Purchase 2nd lvl
Distributor 10 $0.25 $0.25 $0.25 5% 2.5%
Manager 50 $0.35 $1 $1 7% 3.5%
Executive 100 $0.40 $1.50 $3.50 10% 5%
Sr. Executive 600 $0.40 $1.50 $3.50 10% 5%

Comm. Silver = Commission you receive on not-personally-sponsored Silver members in your matrix
Comm. Gold = Commission on
not-personally-sponsored Gold members in your matrix
Comm. Diamond = Commission on
not-personally-sponsored Diamond members in your matrix
Bonus Purchase 1st level = the percentage you receive from VIP Bids purchases made by direct referred members
Bonus Purchase 1st level = the percentage you receive from VIP Bids purchases made by your 2nd level members (referrals of your referrals)

This is explained here on the ZR website.

Important to know:
  • ONLY paid members benefit financially from the matrix on members that they didn't personally sponsor;
  • Regardless of the matrix, both free and paid members will always earn 20% commission on spendings from their directly sponsored affiliates and customers;
  • Free members can not see the matrix although they are placed in it and might have sizable downlines.

What you have to do to earn money

All you are requered to do to get your Daily Awards and grow your balance is to

  1. Place one free ad daily
  2. Report the link in your back office
  3. Give away your earned VIP Bids to a customer

That's it. And that is really simple because they did all the hard work for you! They already wrote the ads and listed more than 50 website where you can place them for free.

All in all, this will cost you about 2 minutes a day, probably less!

Ok, granted, to get the routine and register on at least 1 of the advertising website will take you a bit longer the first time but trust me when I say that it won't even cost you 2 minutes the second day! It is true, I'm doing it every day.

The steps are laid out in the member area under 'ADVERTISING OPTIONS' and every can follow it.

There's even a 5 minute video presentation there (yes, 5 minutes, including the explanation) that shows you how to do each step. This is a no brainer - everybody can do this!

Join now and get paid before the day is over!

If you join now you will get paid before the day is over. ZeekRewards shares revenue each day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks in a year. If you are ready you can sign up here (thanks!)

ZeekRewards standard takes Credit Card / Debit Card or AlertPay. For non-USA members they also accept a Money Order and Western Union, contact ZeekRewards Support for details.

Multiple accounts, stacking and abusing the system

A word of caution is in place. If you've been reading this far you now understand how much potential this program has and might be tempted to sign up with multiple account. ZeekRewards anticipated this and they have a number of checking mechanisms in place to avoid abuse of the system. You may only have 1 account! If you want to sign up your spouse or other next of kin you should have them sign up using your sponsors link. I've checked that with Support. You do NOT want to risk being kicked out of the program.

Stacking is the practice to enlist members under each other and have the bottom position buy Bid Packs and Compound so that the upline is rewarded with commissions. ZeekRewards is always on the outlook for this kind of abuse. Members being caught lose their position, earnings and downline! They even award 10 bids as a bonus for reporting abuse of the system!

In other words; don't abuse the system and be glad with what we're getting here. Play fair and don't blow it for others. This is a great opportunity, lets keep it that way.


If you're going to join this program, either as a free member or paid member, you're going to place ads. If you place ads on forums (there's a list of them in the member area) then make sure you edit your 'signature' under your userprofile for that particular forum.

In the signature you can always put a link to another website of your choice! So if you have a website yourself, or a blog,  or any other affiliate webpage place a link there.  That way the required 1 ad a day post also advertises for your other webpage!

Read this webpage about how Penny Stock auctions work and why they are so lucrative. FAQ will be added shortly. Stay tuned.


ZeekRewards wants me to place the following paragraph for legal reasons so here it is.

If you make a purchase from ZeekRewards you are purchasing a SUBSCRIPTION for a Premium Business Center or you are purchasing VIP bids. You are NOT purchasing stock or any other form of "investment" or equity. You MUST actually use the bids or advertising units that you purchase. Affiliates who present our products to others in a misleading manner or in a way that leads the buyer to believe he or she is making an investment or purchasing equities will be terminated and all commissions will be forfeited. Buyers MUST read the entire How It Works and Get Paid pages on the ZeekRewards website and the Legal Disclaimers.

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